How I Write Direct Response Copy that Generates Revenue and Leads ... My Direct Response Copywriting Methodology

Here's The Plan I Follow to Help You Generate Revenue ... It's the Plan That's Helped to Generate Over $500 million in Revenue in the Last 12 Years for My Clients.

Many potential clients ask me about my methodology. Here it is.

My first step is to understand your goals. Then I want to understand your current strategy with a special focus on your RFM data.

Then I follow these steps ...

  1. Thorough and complete research of the product and the target market. I start with my proprietary checklist.
  2. I find and gather proof elements.
  3. I research the competition.
  4. I write the copy.
  5. We review the copy and make any changes.
  6. The copy goes live and we make changes based on testing data.

I have developed and created this methodology based on actual results I've achieved for my clients.

Let me expand on the bullets above. I have based my direct response copywriting methodology on what’s worked for my clients in the past. I almost always stick to my usual methodology. I use it for every type of copy on all platforms. My research starts with my preflight checklist, which you can see [here][1]. I go well beyond this document with the research. The checklist is, for me, simply a starting point. I like to gain a sense of the product’s position in the market based on the Eugene Schwartz levels of awareness and levels of sophistication. I strive to gather as many proof elements as I can before I start to write. Some direct response copywriters believe that copy should be “built” and not “written” and I agree with this approach. Once I have all the research gathered, I start to use my copy templates. I have templates for every part of the copy, from headlines through to body copy and the guarantees. I also have templates for emails and other forms of direct response copy. Why use templates? Speed is one answer. But I’ve based my templates on what has worked in the past. I’m always asking the question, “what’s really important to the prospect emotionally and logically?” CLARITY is at the forefront of my thinking. I also follow the usual and logical flow of copy using the AIDA formula or variations. I pay close attention to the elements the prospect will read first. These include subheads, decks, captions, and pull-quotes. Once I have the copy elements collected, I like to write quickly in order to keep the flow of the piece. Once I have a draft of the copy, I send this to you, the client, and begin revisions. My copywriting methodology also comes from studying copy written by the most productive copywriters like David Ogilvy, Dan Kennedy, Gary Bencivenga, Clayton Makepeace, John Caples, and Eugene Schwartz. My methodology also comes from testing data and the great books written by direct response copywriters and direct marketers.