Direct Response Copywriter at Dan Kennedy Info Summit Day 1

At the dinner break at the first day of the Dan Kennedy Info-Marketing Summit here in Atlanta.

Some thoughts (there's another session coming up--it's all day, four days in a row).

Dan Kennedy opened the summit with a short presentation. He said, “you’re here to shop.” And there’s plenty of shopping. In fact, the “Back of the Room” operation is a store.

The summit is a little bit of a 'pitch fest' but some of the speakers were informational. Internet marketer Andy Jenkins was impressive as he detailed how he pitches his products at launch.

I wish speakers would mind their language—there’s no need to use even mildly offensive words. Why risk offending anyone?

I’m coming up with a lot of good ideas from simply being away from my computer.

The highlight of the day was listening to the former editor of The National Enquirer, Iain Calder, originally from Scotland. He did pretty much whatever it legally took to get the stories first. They sold 6.5 million copies of their Elvis issue (when The King died). The issue cost 35 cents. While I don’t want to sell scandalous information, I admire the approach to content. Their content sold publications at the newsstand. They paid a ton to find and keep the top writers. Lesson there...

Great to see Will Swayne who is here all the way from Brisbane, Australia.

Thanks to the staff at the Hilton Downtown Atlanta for their flexibility for a loyal Hilton guest. Superb hotel.


I'm a direct response copywriter based in Charlotte, North Carolina. I specialize in providing copy and content for the direct marketing environment for clients around the world. Enter your info to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here.