Direct Response Copywriter on The Google Penguin Update

I’m not an SEO expert. I’m a direct response copywriter and content creator so SEO is best left to people who don’t have the intellectual ability to produce money-sucking copy(!). So I don’t spend vast amounts of time worrying about search engine algorithms.

Google just made a big change to their algorithm through its Penguin Update.

The search engines wage a constant war with ‘black hat’ SEO practitioners. The search engines want to maintain the quality of their search results. The so-called ‘black hat bad guys’ want to use dodgy tactics to rig the search results.

There’s nothing illegal about the tactics of the bad guys. Companies like Google call them bad guys because Google sets the rules. But I don’t want to get into the whole ‘white hat’ and ‘black hat’ thing.

If you know nothing about SEO, the Penguin Update especially penalizes SEO practitioners who essentially produce nonsensical website content—content ‘written’ to improve SEO results; the content is often directly plagiarized from other sites.

Here’s an article from The Wall Street Journal explaining the impact.

From the remedies the article suggests…

  1. Content is king. Make sure your website has original and accurate information. Google places the greatest value on sites providing the best possible user experience.
  2. Use social media. Post links to content on your site from Twitter, Facebook and other social-media profiles. Your fans may repost the information.
  3. Spread your wings. Don't rely just on Google. Look for other ways to attract people to your website, such as by running special promotions or buying ads.

If you rely on ‘black hat’ SEO techniques, Google is going to penalize you. You’re better off spending money on content and copywriting. Content to keep your visitors engaged and coming back to your website and social media outlets. Copywriting to persuade people to visit your website for the first time. And copywriting will also persuade people to take the next step in the sales process once they're on your site.

The Wall Street Journal says it best…

Make sure your website has original and accurate information. Google places the greatest value on sites providing the best possible user experience.

Again—I’m not an SEO expert but I believe EVERY search engine expert will tell you to pay close attention to superb and fresh content. Content will ALWAYS help your search engine results...and keep your prospects and customers engaged.

Remember Conversion

I’ve been working with an excellent SEO company. They get superb ‘white hat’ results for their clients. But there’s a problem. The companies they help aren’t getting results—phone calls, emails, opt-ins, etc.

That’s where conversion comes in…turning the visitors into buyers. If you want to do this, I’ve got the following advice.

  1. Use proven conversion techniques for landing pages. DON’T reinvent the wheel.
  2. Hire a direct response copywriter and use direct response copywriting techniques. We spend all day every day persuading people to BUY.

Again—I’m not an SEO expert. I’m much more important! But seriously…when you focus on content and proven conversion techniques, your digital marketing will thrive. Just make sure you hire top-quality talent.


I'm a direct response copywriter based in Charlotte, North Carolina. I specialize in providing copy and content for the direct marketing environment for clients around the world. I increasingly specialize in sales pages and landing pages. Enter your info to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here.