Direct Response Copywriter on Great Selling ... by a Teenager

The other day, I was walking into my local supermarket. A group of high school students had a table set up. I tried to avoid the table as I knew they were likely selling something like cookies. I was in a hurry and while I often give to all sorts of causes and buy Girl Scout cookies and the like, I wasn't in the mood.

However, the girl at the table came up to me, walked with me, and asked if I had the supermarket's discount card, in this case called a VIC card.

I said yes.

She quickly asked me to link my card to her group, in this case the local high school ROTC.

"It won't cost you a thing and just show this number to the cashier when you check out," she said, handing me a piece of paper.

So, once inside, I linked my VIC card to the number on the piece of paper.

Four quick lessons here.

  1. She grabbed my attention by asking a simple question. She likely knew the answer to the question.
  2. She stated the offer clearly. The benefit was helping a noble cause.
  3. She gave me a clear call to action and TOLD me to take the action.
  4. She said it would not cost me anything.

She made the sale.

That, my brothers and sisters, is brilliant marketing and she should be a direct response copywriter.


I'm a direct response copywriter. I specialize in providing direct response copy for the direct marketing environment for clients around the planet. I specialize in sales page copy ... copy that persuades readers to pull out their credit card and buy. Enter your info to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here if you have a project you'd like me to quote.

I'm also a Dan Kennedy Certified Copywriter for Info-Marketers.


Disclaimer for the above.

The Dan Kennedy Copywriter for Info-Marketers Certification is awarded to professional copywriters who have successfully completed a course of study of preparation for such copywriting. This Certification has not been provided by an accredited education institution. It does not constitute endorsement of or liability for any individual copywriter by Mr. Kennedy or any companies or organizations affiliated with Mr. Kennedy. The client's relationship is solely with the individual copywriter retained via any agreement.