Direct Response Copywriter on How NOT to Find Clients. Part 5.

How NOT to Find Clients. Part 5.

A Series of Essays for Copywriters and Fellow Creative Professionals.


NOTE: You're reading a series of essays about how to find clients ... and how NOT to find them. This series will be extremely controversial. Read the blogs and you’ll discover my experiences with finding direct response copywriting clients … what works and what’s a waste of time. The goal is to help you find “elite” level clients with deep pockets who are looking for top-quality creative talent.


Method #5. Trolling Sites Like Warrior Forum.

To be completely frank, I don't spend too much time cruising around sites like Warrior Forum. It's a site for Internet marketers. Sometimes, when I visit these sites, I come across a direct response copywriter who is looking for a gig. Sometimes there are marketers who are looking for copywriters.

I'm sure there are people who love these sites. And some copywriters find gigs this way. But these sites are ultimately like the Wild Wild West: pretty much anything can happen plus you'll find plenty of "black hats" ... people who are not exactly playing by the rules. Yes -- there are plenty of marketers who are fine and perhaps I should spend more time trolling around. But my sense is there are plenty of clients with little or no money ... but massive reputations.

There's a better way to find clients. If you want the top clients then you have to be aggressive and go after them.

To find these clients, you need a database ... and you can find it here.


I'm a direct response copywriter. I write direct response copy for clients around the world. Enter your information to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here when you have a project you'd like to discuss. I'm also a Dan Kennedy certified copywriter for information products.