A Realistic Income Goal for a Copywriter. Direct Response Copywriter Email Archive. June 2020 1.

A Realistic Income Goal ... And A Key Question You Should Ask When Looking at Training Products ...

Last week, I was finishing a series of videos about finding clients. The videos are now available in The Aspen School of Copywriting.

And I thought about what constitutes a realistic income for a freelance copywriter.

In fact, I went one step further and actually ran some numbers.

You can work with 10-15 clients.

For the sake of this exercise, let’s say you have 12 regular clients.

You receive an average of $1,500 worth of work from each client, every month.

This could be a mix of copy, blogs, content, emails, etc.

12 x 12 x 1,500 = $216,000

There aren't many attorneys who earn anything like that.

That’s a highly realistic goal PROVIDED you know how to market yourself.

You’ll also need to know how to write quickly while still delivering quality work.

You won’t get to this goal by waiting around on Facebook groups hoping that 12 great clients come your way. You have to be active, not passive.

By the way, I’m getting close to re-launching the “new” version of The Aspen School of Copywriting. So right now, there’s a special low price and a bonus. Click here now. And just so you know, the current sales page is highly rudimentary. I’m working on a new version and it has 15,000 words of copy.

But I digress.

If you’re looking at copywriting training products, there’s a very serious question you must ask before you hit that “buy now” button.

Is the person behind the course an actual practicing copywriter?

There are TONS of people selling copywriting training information and they have NEVER written a word of copy for an actual live client.

Of course, these are the people making all those crazy promises. You've seen these.

Earn $10,000 a month in the next 3 weeks with NO effort!

And all sorts of stuff.

What about that figure I just mentioned above? You'll need to contact 1,000 to 1,500 potential clients to get the ones that are the best fit for you. Reaching that number is realistic in 2-3 years. Again, it depends on your drive and your ambition. But it's realistic.