Free Resources for Copywriters. Direct Response Copywriter Email Archive. November 2019 2.

Want Free Resources? Here you go ...

I received a series of emails from a copywriter who wanted free access to my copywriting course. I said ‘no’ for a variety of reasons, chief among them: others have happily paid.

Fortunately for this copywriter, and others, there’s a ton of really great information that’s totally free.

In the first part of this email, I’m going to point you toward these resources.

Of course, there’s a ton of really bad information out there and that's also free. You can pay a lot for bad advice, as well. I routinely see copywriting courses created by people who don’t know what they’re talking about. I also know a couple of copywriting 'coaches' who are really bad at writing copy. I know one who has been writing copy for about 3 years. I know others who had some success many years ago and will verbally assault you to help you improve. Great.

The free resources I’m listing range from superb to excellent.

Bencivenga Bullets. Everyone in direct marketing should not just read these, but know them by heart. Click here.

The Clayton Makepeace Blog. Lots of great advice from one of the top copywriters in the world. Click here.

Bob Bly’s regular emails. Click here.

Brian Kurtz sends an excellent weekly email about direct marketing. You can sign up here.

I’m not putting myself in the same league as the people I just mentioned but you’ll find a lot of free information on my blog, which is here.

Maybe you have some free resources you like. Please share these with me and I’ll share in the future.



Brian Kurtz, who worked with many of the world’s greatest copywriters, lists seven characteristics he looked for when hiring copywriters.

I listed these in the last email but here they are again:


Let’s start with hunger.

Brian’s not talking about food here. Obviously. Brian’s talking about ambition. It’s more than just saying, “I’m going to be a really great copywriter” although there’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re in direct response copywriting, then hunger is about developing the skills necessary to write copy that converts. Hunger is constantly wanting to improve.

Hunger is also about having a competitive streak. I genuinely like (almost) all the copywriters I know but I want to be better than them. Hunger is wanting to find those really great clients and having the ability to say ‘no’ when a potential client gets sticker shock and wants a lower fee.

This happened twice this week. One client wants a lower fee and another clearly doesn’t understand the time it takes to produce high-quality work that’s going to help them reach their goals. Hunger is having the guts to say to them, “no … I’m not giving away my time and if you don’t understand that then you don’t really understand what copywriting is all about.”

Hunger is knowing how to market yourself so you get the great clients you deserve. Gary Bencivenga had the hunger. He wanted to beat other copywriters (not physically). He’s extremely polite and mild-mannered in person. But he was ultra-competitive when he was in the copywriting business. He also found the world’s greatest clients.

Let’s remember something. The opportunities are huge. How many direct response copywriters are there who can actually convert consistently? My guess? Around 500. And a chunk (200?) work for Agora. But you still have to get out there and have the drive and hunger every day.

Scott Martin Direct Response Copywriter

P.S. I've been populating the archive of these emails. I'm almost finished. It's here.