More About Conferences and Events. Direct Response Copywriter Email Archive. October 2019.


In my last email, a little while ago (apologies), I mentioned I was going to a conference in New York City. That was in mid-September.

I also promised I would write about how things went at the event.

Here you go.

A reminder. The event was for digital marketing agencies. So there were lots of people who run digital agencies there; digital agencies, in theory, need copywriters. Sadly, only a small percentage of agencies understand they need GREAT copy. But that's fodder for another email.

I didn’t attend many of the lectures/presentations. They weren’t really relevant to me.
I have the full list of people who were there and I’ll be working that list.
The company organized some meetings for me. One person didn’t show up. One person was pretty clueless. The other person will likely become a client. Not a terrible batting average.
There was a great party one evening on top of some skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan. I met some great potential clients there including a traffic buying agency that has clients who need copy.
I also met the person in charge of the company who ran the conference and he mentioned a possible need.

One big bonus: Ryan Deiss, a speaker at the event and founder of Digital Marketer, and a big name in our business, told the assembled about the power of copy and recommended finding a top copywriter. Nice!

In terms of revenue, nothing has happened yet and so I’m behind on this one. The key word is ‘yet’ and I’ll need to keep in touch with all those contacts. Something will eventually take place.

What can you take away from my experience? PERSISTENCE. I might add patience. People, in general, believe they should gain instant results from conferences and events, in part, because of the crazy promises in the copy for said conferences and events. You know what I'm talking about.

In fact, I just wrote a blog about persistence. You can see it here.

In the next week, I’m going to be spending a chunk of time going through a lot of past contacts to remind them I’m here, available, and still very much alive. I totally recommend this approach.

Plus I'll be following up with contacts made at the event.


I'm beginning an occasional series where I dissect a really great direct response ad.

This one is from David Ogilvy, most likely, and it's an ad for his agency. Click here to watch the video.

This video is from a series of 150 copywriting training videos I offer through The Aspen School of Copywriting.