The Power of Persistence. Direct Response Copywriter Email Archive. October 2020.

Something Important I Learned from a Client

Several years ago, I started a project with a famous golf instructor. He asked me to write a book for him. I turned that book into a manual we sold for $127. But that’s another story.

This golf professional studied with many of the world’s top golf instructors. One of these instructors told him, “I never saw a persistent person fail.”

I was persistent before reading that but it’s helped me become even more persistent.

Dan Kennedy once said, “most people give up when there’s even a breath of a headwind."

Quite frankly, 2020 hasn’t been a great year for me. A great long-term client left because a bigger company bought them out and shut them down. I’ve worked with a lot of new clients this year but many have been pretty awful.

So I’m actively looking for better clients. I’m being persistent and I’m thankful I’ve built a deep database of potential clients.

Persistence will pay off. It always has in my little world ... in every part of my life. If you’re looking for great clients, keep pounding away and you’ll find them.

Back to that golf teacher. I wrote a book for another golf teacher. I wanted to write more golf books. So I sent a letter to the top 100 golf teachers in America. I got a call from the teacher I mentioned earlier. I still work for that teacher, on occasion. However, that contact ultimately led to a connection with a client who sent me regular work for about 7 years.

Here’s the point … just get started and do a great job for these initial clients and great things will happen.

Something else … when you have great clients, you will learn a lot from them.

Let’s turn that original statement into a positive.

Persistent people always succeed.

Worried about being a pest? Too persistent? I also heard something I very much liked: be persistent, politely.