You're Not a Writer. Direct Response Copywriter Email Archive.

You're Only 20% a Writer

You might be thinking, “I put words on a page … people pay me for my expertise … I’m a professional writer.”

When meeting someone at a bar or at a party, you might say, “I’m a copywriter” in reply to the question, “so … Cornelius, what do you do?”

Understandable. The 80/20 rule applies here.

Yes, to be a professional copywriter, or writer of any sort, you must know how to write. In fact, you should be able to write at an elite level. It’s especially true if you’re a direct response copywriter and your copy must generate revenue, and lots of it, for your clients.

That’s the 20%.

The 80% may be attractive to you. Maybe it’s not.

You’re 20% a writer and 80% a salesperson. Yes … whether you like it or not, you’re a salesperson.

It’s the same in every other line of work. The most successful professionals aren’t always the ones who are brilliant at what they do. They’re the ones who market themselves the best.

I know a copywriter who is not that good at writing copy. However, they have been marketing themselves successfully and this copywriter is getting a big reputation. Part of me gets annoyed, especially with all their hype. But they’re out there marketing and selling. A number of people are going to hire this copywriter and they’re going to discover this … this copywriter’s copy doesn’t convert. Just being good at selling isn’t enough. There has to be some substance.

If you’ve been on my list for a while, you know how much I admire Gary Bencivenga. I was listening to an interview with Bencivenga and he said something that really resonated with me.

In order to improve his copywriting, and he was always trying to get better, Bencivenga read all the great copywriting books. But, perhaps more importantly, he read all the great books about sales. Many of the world’s top salespeople have written books.

I tell people I’m a writer but I’m really a salesperson. I must sell the products and services my clients offer. But I must also sell my services and expertise to potential clients. You have to do this, too.

There are lots of sayings I don’t like. Let me give you one.

There are no stupid questions.

People ask stupid questions all the time.

There are no bad ideas.

Yes ... there are lots of bad ideas!

Here’s another I dislike …

Salespeople are born not made.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Being successful in sales requires the following …

Persistence … aka follow Up.
Knowing the techniques.
Constant improvement and the growth mindset.
A great product/service that people really want/need.
A thick skin.

I know some writers who feel the whole “sales thing” is a tad distasteful. It should not be. You’re not trying to pressure anyone. You’re simply saying, “I’m here with my copywriting skills to help you get where you want to get.”

Want to be a successful writer?

Yes … make sure your writing skills are at the “elite” level. But make sure you know how to sell. Master the practical application of your sales skills. Life will become a lot easier.