Bio Harvest
Ebook Outline Writer: Scott Martin skype: scottmartin22 704-517-0241

February 16, 2016

19710327   Your Health Your Life!

5 Keys to Improving and Maintaining Perfect Health … With Surprising Ways to Enjoy Wonderful Health Based on the Latest Health Research

By Dr. Stuart L. Cantor, Ph.D.

Topics Covered

• Healthy Heart and Circulation • “Normal” Blood Pressure • Diabetes and Blood Sugar • Anti-Aging • Nutrition and Super Foods

Published by:

BioHarvest Ltd. 150 East 52nd Street Suite 23002 New York, NY 10022 USA   Table of Contents

• Introduction • Healthy Heart and Circulation • “Normal” Blood Pressure • Diabetes and Blood Sugar • Anti-Aging • Nutrition and Super Foods

  Introduction – Your Health is Your Life! So Take Control Today!

Achieving Your Best Health is Easier Than You’ve Been Told

I’ve spent my entire education and career in health care. I’ve worked for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I’ve worked on teams that have created life-saving drugs and I’ve participated in medical research and development. I’m currently a pharmaceutical consultant. My health education includes a doctorate in health sciences, a masters degree in food science, plus additional degrees in nutrition and chemistry. And I’ve written or worked on numerous articles for prestigious health journals. As you can imagine, I’ve spent tens of thousands of hours learning about our bodies, our health, and nutrition. Here’s something I’ve discovered:

It’s easier than you think to maintain great health and avoid major health problems.

My friends and their friends are constantly asking me about health issues. Here’s what I tell them. “Focus on five key areas and you’ll avoid most life-threatening health issues.” Here are the five key areas.

• The Heart • Blood Pressure • Blood Sugar • Anti-Aging • Super Foods

With a focus on these five areas, you can avoid:

• Heart attacks from heart disease • Kidney Disease • Depression • Joint discomfort • Diabetes • Stroke • Chronic lower respiratory diseases

And new research shows that the five major health issues I listed above are linked to other major causes of death including cancer and dementia. For example, the medical community is starting to call Alzheimer’s “diabetes 3” and linking this lethal killer to increased blood sugar.

The Huge Cost of Poor Health

The big health killers around the world … those “usual suspects” … create massive costs for society. Consider these alarming facts.

• In 2012, half of all adults in the United States had one or more chronic and potentially lethal health conditions. • Seven of the top 10 causes of death in 2010 were chronic diseases – that could have been avoided. • Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults. • The total costs of heart disease and stroke in 2010 were estimated to be $315.4 billion. • The total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes in 2012 was $245 billion, including $176 billion in direct medical costs and $69 billion in decreased productivity.

Quite frankly, I could spend most of this book describing health problems in the United States and around the world. But let’s focus on the positive.

Reasons to Focus on Your Health – But You Don’t Have to Go Crazy

Sadly, hundreds of millions of people around the world are not paying attention to their health. As such, they are putting themselves at extreme risk for deadly diseases and conditions. So it’s important to focus on your health. Nothing new there! Let’s take motivation a step further by listing reasons to live a healthy life.

• Avoiding pain. We all have aches and pains from time to time. But constant pain can ruin your life – and take away the happiness you may be experiencing. • Money. Even if you have excellent health insurance, the cost of a major illness can be catastrophic. • Staying happy. Becoming ill can lead to depression. It’s pretty simple … stay healthy and you can lead a happy and fulfilling life. • Your career. When you’re well and healthy, you can pursue your career aggressively and maximize your income. • Enjoy all your favorite activities. Whether it’s quilting or dancing – you need movement and health to enjoy the things you enjoy the most. • Family. If you’re well, then you’re helping your family. But if you’re chronically unwell, you place a huge stress on your family. • You can avoid the “domino” effect. This happens when you start to have one problem like high blood pressure. This can quickly lead to other problems – like kidney failure or strokes. • How you feel about yourself. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with looking after yourself and feeling (and looking) great at all times. This comes with a healthy lifestyle. • A wonderful sex life. You can enjoy this when you have robust health. Enough said! • Look years younger. Healthy people act and look younger – without help. • You will inspire others. When you’re healthy, you will encourage others to be healthy. • Save even more money. People who are unhealthy tend to spend money on eating out, tobacco, and fast food. Healthier eating usually means saving money – even on organic food. • Gain energy. When you’re healthy, you will have more energy and you can enjoy your life more. • Keep your mind sharp. The foods in a healthy diet provide two “brain” benefits. First, the nutrients fuel your brain’s overall health. Second, you can potentially avoid dementia.

I’m sure you can come up with even more good reasons to maintain robust health. In my experience, it’s much easier to develop healthy directions in your life when you concentrate on the major reasons to stay healthy. This will provide motivation. You might think you have to eat a highly specific diet and run marathons to develop and maintain your best health. Yes – people who eat extremely harsh diets and/or exercise to the point of daily exhaustion will lose weight and possibly avoid major health problems. However, this type of activity can lead to other health problems. The answer is in the middle – between the extremes. To maintain your health, you must avoid regularly unhealthy behavior – like smoking, overeating, and eating unhealthy foods. It’s important to avoid a sedentary life without exercise. Being overweight can lead to health disasters but being too thin is also unhealthy. Yes – when you go to a holiday party, you can have a great time and eat and drink what the host or hostess provides. But if you eat and drink like you’re having a party every day then you will become seriously ill.

What Does “Perfect” Health Look Like?

These should be your goals.

Weight: around 10-15% body fat. Blood pressure: 120/80. Resting heart rate: 50-70 beats per minute.

These figures are general. Age can impact these numbers. In general, you should simply take a look at how you feel and how you look. Are people complimenting you on how you look? Do you have lots of energy? Are you digesting food correctly?

A Hidden Benefit – And the Most Important Part of a Healthy Life

If you’re looking and feeling healthy, then you know something: when you start to eat poorly, not exercise, and take on bad health habits – you will start to feel poorly. In fact, you will start to look poorly. You know something important … that feeling well is a lot better than feeling poorly and so you always want to gravitate toward a healthy lifestyle. If you have not been looking after your health … but you start to make positive changes … then you will so much better that you will not want to return to the bad habits. It’s a huge benefit that will dramatically improve your overall health and outlook.

What You’re About to Discover

In this special book, I will focus on the 5 keys to strong overall health. I mentioned these earlier but here they are again …

• Heart health • Blood Pressure • Blood Sugar • Anti-Aging • Super Foods

When you focus on these 5 areas, you can gain – and maintain – your best health. Health is a lifelong journey. You will enjoy the journey when you understand where you are going and how to get there. My goal is to provide you with a clear sense of direction – based on the facts and what we know about modern nutrition and health.



Dr. Cantor is one of the leading health and nutritional specialists in the United States. He has been involved in research and the development of medicines for a variety of conditions. He is one of the few medical specialists who has worked at both the government and the private sector. He has worked with the FDA and many of the nation’s leading pharmaceutical companies. His portfolio includes more than 50 articles and reports about subjects ranging from technology to nutrition. Starting with a blank sheet of paper – and a health problem – Dr. Cantor has created drugs and pharmaceuticals based on his extensive knowledge of health and nutrition.   CHAPTER 1. THE HEALTHY HEART


How the Heart Works

Your heart pumps blood through your body. It’s essentially a muscle and it’s about the size of a fist. Your chest cavity protects this all-important organ from damage. The muscle in your heart squeezes or pumps blood out of your body every time your heart beats. A beat is a contraction. There’s a relationship between all the organs in your body but there’s an especially important relationship between the heart and lungs. The lungs deliver fresh oxygen to the blood and the heart pumps that blood around the body. In the heart, you’ll find four chambers separated by a wall called the septum. The chambers comprise two atriums and two ventricles – on the left and right side. The right side of your heart pumps blood to the lungs where the blood becomes oxygenated. The oxygenated blood returns to the left side of the heart. This blood is then pumped out to the body, supplying nutrients. The “used” blood returns to the heart and the cycle begins again. We call the “cycle” by another name: circulation. The heart is more complex than just “four rooms in a house.” The heart is an electrical instrument – in some ways – and relies on valves, muscles, and a series of pipe. Valves are key because they control the flow of blood. You have probably heard of the aorta – it’s the main “highway” blood vessel that supplies blood to your key organs.

Useful Facts About the Heart

When fully grown, the human heart is only about 300 grams – yet it can pump blood around the entire body. The heart is part of the system that brings oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide. A normal adult heart pumps at about 60-70 beats per minute at rest. During each beat, it pumps around 70 mililiters of blood. Every day, the heart pumps about 2,000 gallons a day.

Every organ is vital in your body but the heart is the one that keeps all the others “topped up” with oxygen and other nutrients.

Different Types of Heart Health Issues

Because the heart is – literally – at the heart of your health, it’s also the center of several potentially lethal heart problems.

Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. Cardiac arrest is a heart attack. Ischemia is a condition described as “cramping of the heart muscle.” Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle. High cholesterol – especially of the “bad” LDL cholesterol – can lead to major health problems. Congenital health defects are problems that are “naturally” occurring. Diabetes is related to high blood sugar but can impact the heart. Heart failure is when your blood does not pump enough blood. Heart valve problems and disease impact the health of your valves. Pericarditis is a condition where the membrane around the heart is inflamed. Peripheral Artery Disease can take place when deadly plaque narrows the blood vessels of the legs, arms, and torso. Plaque can lead to coronary artery disease … part of general heart disease. Coronary artery disease is the narrowing – or total blockage – of the arteries leading from the heart – usually caused by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis – also called “hardening” or “clogging” of the arteries is the buildup of cholesterol and fatty deposits (called plaques) on the inner walls of the arteries. These plaques can restrict blood flow to the heart muscle by physically clogging the artery or by causing abnormal artery tone and function – it’s just liked a clogged pipe where you live.

Coronary Artery Disease is the major killer. It can start when you are young. As you age, the fat can build up in the “pipes” leading to your heart. Other “bad” substances like inflammatory cells, cellular waste products, proteins, and calcium begin to stick to the vessel walls. The resulting “sludge” can form a deadly material called plaque. When plaque breaks up, it can lead to a blood clot. These blood clots can clog an artery or flow the to brain to cause a stroke. Either way, a blood clot can be lethal.

Angina is the most common symptom of coronary artery. Angina is also known as chest pain and can be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn.

• Other symptoms that may occur with coronary artery disease include:

• Shortness of breath • Heart palpitations (irregular heartbeats, skipped beats or a “flip-flop” feeling in your chest) • A faster heartbeat • Dizziness • Nausea • Extreme weakness • Sweating

You Might Feel Healthy – But Your Heart May Be At Risk

Sometimes you can feel totally healthy but your heart might be at severe risk of heart attack. Sometimes people who have a lifestyle that’s not especially healthy can have a relatively healthy heart. However, leading a healthy lifestyle will generally lead to a healthy heart. Heart problems can come in many forms. Some are due to lifestyle. Others are genetic. The potential direct problems associated with poor heart health are listed above. However, heart health issues can lead to other health problems including:

• Nausea • Frequent indigestion • Dizziness • Stroke • Loss of limbs • High blood pressure – and the resulting complications • Lack of energy • Depression

The number one job of your heart is to deliver nutrients all around your body. So if your heart is not working a full strength – then you are going to have health problems.

Commonly Prescribed Drugs for Heart Health Issues

Because so many people have heart health issues – and because there are so many different types of heart problems, there are hundreds of heart medications available. Here are just a few – the most commonly-prescribed medications.

• Anticoagulants. These aim to decrease the clotting (coagulating) ability of the blood. These medications can help to reduce harmful clots from forming in the blood vessels. • Antiplatelet Agents. These can keep blood clots from forming by preventing blood platelets from sticking together. Doctors prescribe these when there is plaque buildup but there is not yet a large obstruction in the artery. • ACE Inhibitors. These are used to treat or improve symptoms of cardiovascular conditions – including high blood pressure and heart failure. • Betablockers. These can be used to lower blood pressure and to prevent future heart attacks. While these medications can help prevent major heart events, they also have side-effects. If you’re taking prescription drugs, then keep taking them until your doctor tells you to stop taking them. However, if you’re having heart problems – or want to prevent them – then a natural approach can be valuable.

The Natural Approach

Some heart defects are the result of family history. Unfortunately, heart disease often comes from lifestyle. Fortunately, this means that heart disease can often be prevented with healthy life habits.

Stay active. The heart is essentially a muscle. So it’s needs activity and exercise. Even one hour of activity once a week can make a significant difference. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables. There are two benefits. First, fruits and vegetables contain key heart-healthy nutrients. It also keeps you from eating food that’s generally poor for your health. Keep moving. Just 60 to 90 minutes a week of physical activity can reduce your heart disease risk by up to half. You don’t have to run marathons. Just start with a few minutes a day. Get the best sleep of your life. Sleep can vary due to certain factors but everyone needs around eight hours of quality sleep every night. Many people don’t understand the importance of sleep for heart health. Control portion size when you eat. It’s extremely easy to overeat. You need less food than you think you need. A 2-3 ounce serving of meat is enough – instead of a 20 ounce ribeye steak. If you eat grains, choose whole grains. These provide a valuable source of fiber – which is important for heart health. Experiment with whole grains. Limit unhealthy fats to reduce your weight and lower “bad” blood cholesterol. Simply aim for foods with low saturated fat content. However, monounsaturated fats can provide health benefits. Polyunsaturated fats, found in certain fish, avocados, nuts and seeds, also are good choices for a heart-healthy diet. When used in place of saturated fat, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats may help lower your total blood cholesterol. For protein, use low-fat protein sources like lean meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. Foods like certain fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can lower dangerous blood fats called triglycerides. You'll find the highest amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in cold-water fish, such as salmon, mackerel and herring. Other sources are flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans and canola oil. Keep the sodium low as high sodium levels can lead to high blood pressure and other heart-related problems. But have some fun and indulge from time-to-time.

Additional Resources

Staying educated about heart health is vital. Here are some resources.

American Heart Association and healthy living. Tips for a Healthy Heart from the US Government. Women’s Heart Health – a key resource.   CHAPTER 2 – HEALTHY BLOOD PRESSURE

• Blood Pressure o Introduction o What can happen with high blood pressure o Commonly-prescribed drugs o Natural ways to address high blood pressure o Additional resources


In the last chapter, I discussed heart health. Blood pressure is related to heart health but requires its own chapter. That’s because high blood pressure can be a silent killer. Sometimes high blood pressure is a direct result of poor heart health. However, at other times, it’s not directly related. Either way, keeping your blood pressure as close to perfect (120/80) is vital for long-term health. In this chapter, you’re going to discover:

• Why people get high blood pressure • Why it’s VITAL to fight high blood pressure • What your doctor will tell you … and what they might not • 5 Surprising ways to fight high blood pressure • The next steps you can take on the road to your best health ever

This chapter is not a substitute for visiting your doctor and following your doctor’s advice. If your doctor has prescribed medication for high blood pressure then keep taking that medication until your doctor tells you to stop. Yes – millions of people in the United States and other countries have to deal with high blood pressure. However, every year, millions of people successfully lower their high blood pressure – often without prescription drugs. When you lower your high blood pressure, you can:

• Reduce the risk of sudden death from cardiac arrest – by up to 90% • Reduce the risk of a lethal stroke • Protect the health of vital organs – especially your kidneys • Avoid dementia • Enjoy your love life to its fullest • Enjoy all your normal activities so you live a long and healthy life.

So it’s extremely important to monitor blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure then it’s VITAL to address this health issue immediately. Your life depends on it.

What is Blood Pressure? Why is Blood Pressure So Important?

At its most basic level, blood pressure is a measurement of the pressure of blood in the circulatory system. Your heart is, essentially, a muscle and a pump that sends blood around the body to provide you with energy, nutrients, and oxygen. As the blood moves around your body, it pushes against the sides of the blood vessels with some degree of force. The measurement of the strength of this “force” is your blood pressure. There’s a healthy range for blood pressure. However, if your blood pressure is too high, it places unwanted strain on arteries, your heart, and other vital organs. This extra strain can lead to deadly medical problems like heart attacks, kidney failure, and strokes.

A Silent Killer

You’re feeling OK … even pretty good! You might have high blood pressure. You might have normal blood pressure. It’s not something that people tend to notice. There’s only one way to know if you have high blood pressure – and that’s to have it measured. Blood pressure is typically measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). There are two numbers. If your blood pressure is 120/80mmHg then your doctor or medical professional will say that your blood pressure is ‘120 over 80.’ What do these blood pressure numbers mean? The first (top) number is the ‘systolic’ blood pressure. This represents the highest level your blood pressure reaches when your heart beats. Your second (bottom) number is your ‘diastolic’ blood pressure. It is the lowest level your blood pressure reaches when your heart relaxes between its beats. Blood pressure of 120 over 80 is considered normal. If your blood pressure is close to this number, then keep it this way! Here is a chart showing blood pressure ranges.

Even if your blood pressure is slightly elevated, then your risk of heart attack, stroke, or other medical issue can double. That’s right – if you’re in the “prehypertension” range, then you need to take steps to bring your blood pressure back to normal range.

Measuring Blood Pressure in the Doctor’s Office. Why?

When you visit the doctor’s office or when you visit any medical professional, someone will measure your temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. These are your vital signs. The doctor will be especially interested in your blood pressure readings. Why? Because your blood pressure is a strong indicator of overall health and well-being. Let’s take a look at how your doctor will read your blood pressure indicators. He or she will pay especially close attention to both readings.

90 over 60 (90/60) or less: You may have low blood pressure. More than 90 over 60 (90/60) and less than 120 over 80 (120/80): Your blood pressure reading is ideal and healthy. More than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 (120/80-140/90): Your reading is a little higher than it should be. No time to panic but certainly time to reduce it. 140 over 90 (140/90) or higher (over a number of weeks): A definite case of high blood pressure (hypertension). Time for action.

Let’s dig deeper into the numbers.

When your top number is 140 or more – then you have high blood pressure, regardless of your bottom number. When your bottom number is 90 or above – then you have high blood pressure, regardless of your top number.

If your doctor sees that you have high blood pressure, he or she will want to know exactly what is causing the high blood pressure. As you’ll discover in a minute, there are many factors that can influence your blood pressure. Some factors are related to lifestyle. Others are related to family history. Either way, your doctor will want to know the cause of high blood pressure and take immediate action. If the high blood pressure is serious and needs attention, your doctor might prescribe a medication specifically for high blood pressure. However, make sure to ask your doctor what YOU can do when it comes to diet and lifestyle to help reduce high blood pressure. Sometimes you may need to stay on medication for high blood pressure. However, many people reduce high blood pressure without prescription medication. This special report will give you 5 steps you can take right away without making radical life changes. As stated earlier in this special report … if you have high blood pressure and your doctor has placed you on prescription medication then keep taking that medication until you are told to stop. This special report is not written to provide an instant cure; the report is purely educational so you understand high blood pressure and your treatment options. Before detailing treatment options, let’s look at what might be causing your high blood pressure.

What’s Causing Your High Blood Pressure

According to the Centers for Disease Control, almost 70 million Americans suffer from chronic high blood pressure – also known as hypertension. Many people do not know why they suffer from high blood pressure. That’s no surprise: there are many misconceptions about high blood pressure and its causes. There are two main types of high blood pressure.

  1. Primary Hypertension
  2. Secondary Hypertension

Primary Hypertension is the most “mysterious” cause of high blood pressure because it tends to develop over many years – with no clear cause. Medical researchers at many prestigious universities around the world are trying to identify the cause of Primary Hypertension – which is sometimes known as “Essential” Hypertension. Even though the causes of Primary Hypertension can be difficult to pinpoint, it can be treated successfully. Sometimes this means prescription drugs. Other times, it can mean subtle changes in lifestyle including dietary supplements. Secondary Hypertension comes from some type of underlying condition or conditions. Secondary Hypertension often appears suddenly and the spike in blood pressure can be much more pronounced. The list of potential causes of Secondary Hypertension is long and includes:

• Obstructive sleep apnea • Kidney problems • Adrenal gland tumors • Thyroid problems • Congenital blood vessel defects • Certain medications, including birth control pills, cold remedies, decongestants, over-the-counter pain relievers, and some prescription drugs • Narcotic drugs • Alcohol abuse or chronic alcohol use • High “bad” cholesterol and low “good” cholesterol • High salt/sodium intake.

There is a higher risk of secondary high blood pressure if you:

• Are African American • Are obese • Are often stressed or anxious • Drink too much alcohol (more than one drink per day for women and more than two drinks per day for men) • Eat too much salt in your diet • Have a family history of high blood pressure • Have diabetes • Smoke

Even without risk factors from lifestyle, it’s possible to have high blood pressure.

Why It’s Important to Attack High Blood Pressure

Think about the pipes and plumbing where you live. If there’s too much water pressure in those pipes, guess what happens? The pipes will burst, creating an expensive mess. The same holds true for your arteries. Your arteries are strong but prolonged pressure for too long can result in a major health event. Here are the potential medical conditions connected to high blood pressure.

Heart attack or stroke. Not only does high blood pressure place enormous pressure on arteries, high blood pressure can also lead to hardening and thickening of the arteries … known as atherosclerosis. It’s like someone puts a blockage in one of the pipes in your home. Atherosclerosis is a major cause of heart attacks, strokes, and all the related complications. Aneurysm. High blood pressure puts intense pressure on blood vessels. This can cause blood vessels to bulge – then weaken … just like a broken radiator hose in your car or truck. When, not if, an aneurysm ruptures, it can be fatal. Catastrophic heart failure. When someone has high blood pressure, the heart muscle thickens. Think about a pump that’s pumping water. If the pressure in the pipes increases and the pipes get narrow, then the pump has to work a lot harder and eventually, the pump will fail. It’s the same with your heart. With high blood pressure, the heart works harder. When it works harder, the heart wall thickens and eventually becomes too thick to pump at all. The heart literally breaks – just like a pump that fails. Kidney failure. High blood pressure is bad news for the delicate blood vessels in your kidneys. When the blood vessels in your kidneys stop working correctly, then your kidneys can fail, leading to frequent dialysis or quick death. Loss of vision. Like the blood vessels in the kidneys, the blood vessels in the eyes are extremely delicate. High blood pressure can lead to thickened, narrowed, or torn blood vessels in the eyes. The result? Blindness. Metabolic syndrome. Many people who know about the problems associated with high blood pressure but don’t know about this complication. Metabolic system occurs when pretty much everything breaks down in your body at once. The symptoms include increased waist circumference; high triglycerides; low “good” (HDL) cholesterol, plus high insulin levels. Diabetes. The medical community isn’t exactly sure if diabetes can lead to high blood pressure – or high blood pressure leads to diabetes. Either way, researchers have discovered a link. Dementia. With almost 50 million Americans suffering from some type of brain health issue – including dementia – research is showing a connection between high blood pressure and dementia. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can also affect someone’s ability to think, remember, and learn. Research shows that people with high blood pressure tend to have trouble with memory or understanding basic concepts. Leg amputation. With high blood pressure, you might think that blood is more likely to get to the body’s extremities. But exactly the opposite is true. LESS blood gets through the legs when you have high blood pressure. This can ultimately lead to your legs “dying” due to blood starvation.

Some of these medical conditions can happen virtually overnight. Others take longer to develop. Either way, high blood pressure is a serious medical condition that must be addressed.

What Your Doctor Will Tell You About High Blood Pressure … And What They Won’t

You should check your blood pressure at least monthly. If you discover you have even slightly elevated blood pressure then you should see a doctor immediately. Every doctor is different. Some will tell you the full story. Others will not.

What Your Doctor Will Probably Do

What will happen when you see a doctor about high blood pressure? After measuring your blood pressure, your doctor will likely ask you a series of questions. These questions will focus on …

• A family history of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or heart disease. • Diet and exercise routines – if any. • Alcohol consumption. • Smoking. • Diet. • Work and lifestyle. • Date of last blood pressure check. • Use of narcotic drugs.

Prescription Drugs for High Blood Pressure

After a full assessment, your doctor will want to reduce your high blood pressure as quickly as possible. Doctors have a large arsenal of drugs to lower high blood pressure. These include:

• Thiazide diuretics. • Beta blockers. • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. • Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). • Renin inhibitors. • Alpha blockers. • Alpha-beta blockers. • Central-acting agents. • Vasodilators. • Aldosterone antagonists.

Prescribed correctly, one of these medications can take out of the “danger zone.” That’s the first goal of the doctor – to limit the possibility of a catastrophic event like a heart attack or stroke.

What Your Doctor Might Not Do – Mention Side-Effects and Natural Solutions to High Blood Pressure

Again – different doctors will take different approaches to the treatment of high blood pressure. Some doctors might not tell you about …

• Drug side-effects. These can include: o Cough o Diarrhea or constipation o Dizziness or light-headedness o Erection problems o Feeling nervous o Feeling tired, weak, drowsy, or a lack of energy o Headache o Nausea or vomiting o Skin rash o Sudden weight loss or gain without trying • Lifestyle. Some doctors will discuss lifestyle choices, others will not. But making significant changes in diet and lifestyle can have a massive impact on blood pressure. Lifestyle changes can include: o Changing diet. o Less salt in the diet. o Losing weight. o Getting fit and in shape. o Stopping smoking. o Managing stress. o Limiting alcohol.

Natural Solutions … Including Dietary Supplements

In the medical community, the use of dietary supplements is somewhat controversial. Some doctors will recommend dietary supplements. Others are less sure about dietary supplements. Why? Two reasons.

• The pressure to produce instant results for patients. Prescription medications can sometimes provide instant results. • A perceived lack of research.

Whatever doctors may – or may not – think about dietary supplements, you should strongly consider dietary supplements if you are suffering from high blood pressure. The results may not be instant … but … in 30-60 days, many of these dietary supplements have been proven to decrease high blood pressure: • Fiber supplements including psyllium and wheat bran. • Supplements with minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium. • Folic acid supplements. • Cocoa, coenzyme Q10, L-arginine, or garlic. • Fish oil supplements including Omega-3 fatty acids.

5 Surprising Ways to Fight High Blood Pressure

ONE … DON’T PANIC. Yes – treating high blood pressure is extremely important. Your doctor may prescribe something in the short-term. But make sure you take a long-term view. TWO … KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Stress can be a contributor to high blood pressure. So avoiding stress by keeping your spirits high can help with high blood pressure. THREE … CONSIDER A SPIRITUAL APPROACH. Many people who face high blood pressure really rely on the spiritual side of their life. Now can be a good time to pay especially close attention to a spiritual approach. FOUR … GET SUPPORT … Millions of people around the world suffer from high blood pressure – and successfully fight it. You can join a local support group or visit online forums. FIVE … TRY A DIETARY SUPPLEMENT. Many people who fight high blood pressure don’t use a dietary supplement. That’s not good – considering that today’s dietary supplements can provide long-term help for people suffering from high blood pressure.

An Important Note About Fish Oils for High Blood Pressure

Because so many doctors around the world recommend fish oil for heart health – and to lower high blood pressure – the market is flooded with fish oils. This makes it difficult to sort out the “bad” from the “great.” Here’s what you should consider when choosing a fish oil.

• The key factors are purity and potency. • Look to see if the fish oil is oxidized. Oxidized fish oil is poor quality and will not work. It’s junk and could lead to health problems. • Quantity and potency is extremely important. Pay close attention to the type of Omega-3s and the balance between DHA and EPA. DHA is the blood pressure workhorse. • The top quality dietary supplements are produced to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). • Also pay attention to where the fish oil is harvested and processed. If the company won’t reveal this – then the fish oil is probably a poor quality.

So fish oils can help with high blood pressure … but the fish oil must be of a high quality.

Additional Resources

The American Heart Association publishes numerous resources for people who want to fight high blood pressure. Click here. The Centers for Disease Control also provide useful resources. Click here. The National Institute for Heath also provides resources. Click here.   CHAPTER 3 – DIABETES AND BLOOD SUGAR

o What causes diabetes o Complications o The usual approaches to treatment o Natural ways to address diabetes o Additional resources

  Introduction – Causes of Diabetes

Diabetes is a group of diseases that impact how the body deals with blood sugar – also known as glucose. You must have glucose because glucose supplied energy to the cells. Glucose is also the main source of fuel for the brain … and the brain cannot store fuel. People with diabetes have too much glucose in the blood – an excess of glucose can lead to major health problems … including death. There are four types of diabetes.

Type 1 Type 2 Prediabetes Gestational diabetes – which takes place during pregnancy

Signs you may have type 1 or type 2 diabetes include:

Increased thirst Frequent urination Extreme hunger Unexplained weight loss Presence of ketones in the urine (ketones are a byproduct of the breakdown of muscle and fat that happens when there's not enough available insulin) Fatigue Irritability Blurred vision Slow-healing sores Frequent infections, such as gums or skin infections and vaginal infections.

Type 1 diabetes typically manifests itself in childhood or adolescence. Type 2 diabetes, the more common type, can develop at any age, though it's more common in people older than 40.

The Insulin Link

How does the body process glucose? Let’s start by looking at insulin. Insulin is a vital hormone produced by the pancreas, which secretes insulin into your bloodstream. Insulin lets sugar enter the cells and lowers the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. When you blood sugar drops, the pancreas secretes less insulin. Glucose is vital for energy. It comes from food and the liver. It enters the cells due to the presence of insulin. When glucose levels are low, you liver breaks down stored glycogen into glucose – and this keeps glucose in a normal range.

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroys the body’s ability to produce insulin and sugar builds up in the bloodstream. With prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, the cells resist your insulin and the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to “break in” to the cells. Again – sugar builds up in your bloodstream. The medical community is not sure whether type 2 diabetes is genetic or caused by lifestyle factors. However, there’s no doubt about this fact: if you are overweight or have poor lifestyle habits, you are more likely to get type 2 diabetes. Having blood pressure over 140/90 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) is linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes plus abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels can lead to type 2 diabetes – and the complications.

Complications from Diabetes

Complications from diabetes can sneak up on you – because they develop gradually. Potential complications include:

• Cardiovascular disease including angina, heart attack, stroke, and narrowing of arteries (atherosclerosis). • Stroke. • Nerve damage – that can lead to gangrene, amputations, and blindness. • Kidney failure. • Eye damage leading to blindness, cataracts, and glaucoma. • Skin conditions including fungal infections. • Hearing impairment. • Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Prediabetes is a condition where you blood sugar is elevated – and it can lead to type 2 diabetes. If your physician believes you may have a form of diabetes, they will perform one of many different tests. Screening should take place every 3 years after you’re 45 … and should be more frequent if you are overweight and/or lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Medication and Treatment

Treatment for diabetes will revolve around insulin and blood sugar balance. Diabetes requires constant monitoring. Type 1 diabetes treatment involves insulin injections or the use of an insulin pump, frequent blood sugar checks, plus carbohydrate counting. For type 2 diabetes, this will involve the monitoring of blood sugar, along with diabetes medications, insulin, or both. People with type 1 diabetes must have insulin therapy to survive. Many people with type 2 diabetes will also need insulin therapy. There are various ways to deliver insulin to the body – however it cannot be ingested like food.

Prescription Drugs

Your doctor might also prescribe oral or injected medications. Some diabetes medications are created to stimulate your pancreas to produce and release more insulin. Others inhibit the production and release of glucose from your liver, which means you need less insulin to transport sugar into your cells. Others block the action of stomach or intestinal enzymes that break down carbohydrates or make your tissues more sensitive to insulin. In some cases, doctors will prescribe medications to attack some of the conditions that can lead to diabetes 2 … high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Natural Ways to Address Diabetes

If you are suffering from diabetes, then you will have to pay close attention to your glucose levels – and your insulin. However, a natural approach to treatment can be extremely valuable and effective. Here are some general guidelines.

• Maintain a healthy weight and follow a diabetes-friendly diet. Losing just 7 percent of your body weight – especially if you're overweight – can make a huge difference when it comes to blood sugar control. Follow a diet with fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes – but with a limited amount of saturated fat. • Get in shape and exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help prevent prediabetes and type 2 diabetes – but it can help to maintain better blood sugar control. Vary your exercises … aerobic … strength training … flexibility training. • Limit alcohol consumption. • Investigate dietary supplements. Many can help with glucose levels. • Join a support group so you don’t take this journey alone.

Additional Resources

The American Diabetes Association publishes a wide range of resources including a popular magazine. Click here. The NIH has an education center. Click here. The Centers for Disease Control also provides resources here.   CHAPTER 4. LOOKING YOUNGER THAN YOUR AGE   Introduction

Coco Chanel once said, “Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty, you get the face you deserve.” We all know people who look about their age. We all know people who look younger … sometimes much younger … than their age. We all know people who look much older than their age. Plus we know people who are extremely active well into their 70s, 80s, and even 90s. But we know people who are in their 50s and can barely move. Yes – diseases and afflictions can impact people and how they age. For example, someone with a degenerative disease can seem older. However, it’s more than possible to ignore your “official” age and enjoy all your normal activities as you age.

How We Age

Aging is simply part of being human. Animals and plants get older. Age impacts these animals and plants. At some stage, we have all known a dog that goes from being a puppy to being an old dog. We age due to our genetic makeup. Our genes create changes in our bodies from the moment we are born – including adolescence, menopause, and greying of the hair. Unfortunately, aging means just that – a loss of youth. The vigor of a teenager ends and ultimately, in later years, a person has less energy. It’s natural. However, in the last 20 years, modern medicine has taken a totally differnet approach to aging. The result? We can take steps to slow the aging process – and the “symptoms” of aging. Medicine see aging not as inevitable … but as something we can influence positively. It’s no longer inevitable that we get more frail as we age. As early as the 1930s, researchers discovered that a diet that was about 30% below normal could:

• Increase lifespan • Lower rates of cancer • Slower declines in memory and movement.

Based on experimentation, plus some basic trial and error, modern medicine has discovered even more about aging. And researchers are actively looking for an age-reversal gene – seeing as genes cause aging. There is absolutely no doubt that we can control how old – or young – we act and feel.

How to Look Much Older Than You Are

Several factors can make us look much older than we are.

• Smoking • Excessive exposure to the sun • Excessive alcohol consumption • Poor diet • Lack of exercise

In short, these “unforced errors” damage our cells and bodies through free radicals. Some researchers believe poor lifestyle choices can even damage our DNA and this can accelerate aging. Even worse, poor lifestyle choices can lead to diseases like diabetes and heart disease – and even cancer – that can make us look much older.

The Anti-Aging Plan

Let’s take a look at aging based on key life systems.

Heart and Lungs

Here’s what aging does. Slows the heart rate … increases the size of the heart … stiffens blood vessels and arteries … places more stress on the heart and lungs. How to fight aging: regular physical activity … keep a healthy weight … eat a healthy diet with fruits, whole grains and lean sources of protein … no smoking … limit stress … get plenty of sleep.

Bones, Joints, and Muscles

Here’s what aging does: bones tend to shrink in size and density … bones weaken and even get a little shorter … you can lose your balance … bones can break more easily … How to fight aging: Get adequate amounts of calcium … dietary sources of calcium include dairy products, almonds, broccoli, kale, canned salmon with bones, sardines and soy products, such as tofu … get plenty of Vitamin D … so get out into the sun and eat oily fish (such as tuna and sardines), egg yolks, fortified milk, and vitamin D supplements.

The Digestive System

Here’s what aging does: potential constipation due to diet lack of fluids, and exercise – even certain medications. How to fight aging: a healthy diet rich in high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains … stay hydrated with plenty of water … consider a fiber supplement.

The Bladder and Urinary Tract

Here’s what aging does: loss of bladder control … enlarged prostate – for men. How to fight aging: tighten the pelvic floor muscles … maintain a healthy weight … avoid bladder irritants like caffeine, acidic foods, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.


Here’s what aging does: makes it harder to learn new things or remember familiar words or names. How to fight aging: include physical activity in your daily routine … eat a healthy diet … stay mentally active … be social … keep blood pressure at normal levels.

Hearing and Vision

Here’s what aging does: Difficulty focusing on objects that are close up … trouble adapting to different light levels … cataracts … difficulty hearing conversations in crowded rooms. How to fight aging: make sure you schedule regular sessions with eye and hearing professionals.

Skin Care

Here’s what aging does: the skin becomes less elastic and the skin can dry out … wrinkles and age spots appear. How to fight aging: mild soaps and moisturizers … sunscreen … no smoking.

XXX Keys for Staying Young – And Looking Young – As You Age

Yes – aging can make you look and feel older. It’s natural. But you can slow the aging process.

Physical activity every day – even if it’s just 10 minutes. There’s no need Balance activities. Your physical activities should include a balance element to help you avoid falls. No smoking and minimal alcohol. Both can make you feel and look older. Eat a healthy diet that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, high-fiber foods and lean sources of protein, such as fish. Stay social – mental health is vital and social activity is vital to mental health. Social media is fine but make physical contact with your friends and relatives. Keep your mind sharp by reading, learning new skills, helping others, and even doing puzzles. Take dietary supplements – there are many of them out there so take some time to do your homework. Drink plenty of water – staying hydrated is a key to overall health and wellbeing. Have plenty of fun – a positive attitude is important to staying and feeling young. Get regular checkups and

Additional Resources

The United States government provides resources. Click here. The National Institutes for Health also provide resources. Click here. The Geriatric Mental Health Foundation also provides resources. Click here.   CHAPTER 5 – NUTRITION AND SUPERFOODS


Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying “you are what you eat” or other similar sayings. The fact is … your overall health depends significantly on what you eat – and what you don’t. So it’s important to understand the fundamentals of sound nutrition and healthy eating. At times, you might find there’s some conflicting information in the news and media about health and diets. Yes – new research provides new insights but the basics remain the same. A healthy diet includes lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and healthy fats. However, a diet that’s rich in processed foods, “bad” fats, junk foods, sodium, and foods that are high in sugar will likely lead to major health problems including obesity, diabetes, joint pain, kidney failure, dementia, plus heart and lung problems. Remember that how you prepare food can impact your health. Deep frying some type of food is OK from time to time but a diet that’s pretty much everything deep fried will lead to problems. It’s preferable to steam vegetables instead of boiling them. Lean chicken is a healthy source of protein – unless it’s deep fried.

The Easy Way to Eat a Healthy Diet

If you’re eating a “bad” diet, then you will likely be feeling unhealthy … tired … lacking in energy … looking bad … bloated … and probably overweight. Just a month on a healthy diet can transform how you feel to the point where you won’t want to return to the “bad” foods.

XXX Tips for Healthy Eating

Find the “good” foods that you enjoy – and make these the foundation of your diet. Several companies make healthy foods that a pre-packaged and delivered. These can make it easier to eat and enjoy a healthy diet. Set weight targets but be patient. If you’re overweight, then aim to lose 1-3 pounds a week. Stay hydrated with clean, pure water – not soft drinks. Eat at least one mid-size portion of some type of vegetable or mixed vegetable daily. Steam your vegetables and avoid sauces. Keep salt use and sodium use to a bare minimum. Vegetables provide carbohydrates – so you don’t have to eat potatoes and pasta. If you eat grains, eat whole grains. A “paleo” diet that provides lean proteins plus vegetables can be a sensible way to lose weight. Remember that fruit juices are loaded with sugar … it’s natural … but it’s still natural. Oily fish like salmon and mackerel are packed with healthy fats. Understand the difference between good fats and bad fats. If you have some type of health condition, then ask your doctor to recommend certain foods. Avoid processed and fried foods. Avoid fast food restaurants. When you dine out, look for healthy alternatives to the unhealthy items on the menus.

Good Fats and Bad Fats

Many people believe that all fats are bad. That’s a misconception. In fact, some diets that include fats can lead to weight loss. We need fats in our diet. Healthy diets provide fatty acids, help with skin, deliver vitamins, and provide fuel. Let’s consider these facts about fats.

• 10% to 20% of our calories should come from healthy fats. • In a bad diet, up to 40% of calories come from “bad” fats. • Bad fats tends to lurk in foods like french fries, processed foods, cakes, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, thick steaks, and cheese. • These bad fats lead to obesity plus other health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. • In general, find foods with unsaturated fats – including polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. Find omega-3 fatty acids from fish (salmon, trout, catfish, mackerel) plus flaxseed and walnuts. Grill the fish. • Olive oil is another good source of unsaturated fats. Also look for olives, avocados, hazelnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, plus olive, canola, and peanut oils. • The two bad fats are saturated and trans fatty acids. Both can raise cholesterol levels, clog arteries, and increase the risk for heart disease. • You should avoid saturated fats, which you’ll find in meat, poultry skin, high-fat dairy, eggs and in vegetable fats that are liquid at room temperature, such as coconut and palm oils. • Keep saturated fats to under 10% of your daily calorie intake. • Trans fats are found in small amounts in dairy and meat. They are also found in artificial fats when liquid oils are hardened into “partially hydrogenated” fats. • Naturally-occurring trans fats are not harmful in small quantities. The real worry comes from artificial trans fats. They're used extensively in frying, baked goods, cookies, icings, crackers, packaged snack foods, microwave popcorn, and some margarines. • The medical community believes that trans fats are extremely dangerous and can lead to a host of health problems including heart disease and diabetes.

Some nutritionists and health experts believe basing a diet on good fats and bad fats is a key to long-term health. You can also follow these complementary guidelines.

• Choose a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. • Try a vegetarian meal, with plenty of beans, once a week. • Select dairy products that are skim or low-fat. • Experiment with light and reduced-fat salad dressings. • Replace fattier sauces with vinegars, mustards, and lemon juice.

There’s one additional nutritional guideline: seek antioxidants.

The Power of Antioxidants

Every day, the foods we eat and the (often polluted) air we breathe can damage our cells – usually by “oxidizing” the cell. An antioxidant is simply a molecule that prevents another molecule from oxidizing. Antioxidants prevent the buildup of oxidized molecules in the body. Antioxidants fight the free radicals – which are unstable molecules searching for a missing electron and thus creating nutritional havoc – and potential leading to problems like cancer and other deadly diseases. Antioxidants can slow down the aging process. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are important antioxidants.

Foods include:

• All berries – especially blueberries, raspberries, and aronia berries. • Carrots • Kale, broccoli, spinach, and watercress. • Apples • Cabbage • Citrus fruit • Tomatoes • Ginger

Numerous dietary supplements include antioxidants but it’s always best to get your antioxidants from your food. Let’s take a look at some superfoods that provide antioxidants plus other key nutrients.


These foods should be in everyone’s diet. Some are well known … others are suprising.

Black Soybeans

Proteins and antioxidants plus they can help with weight loss. Black soybeans are low in carbs and take longer to digest – suppressing appetite. You can eat them before a meal to limit how much you eat.


Another antioxidant usually found in curries. It also provides antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Some researchers believe it can prevent cancer and dementia plus help with circulation.

Coconut Oil

Heart-healthy antioxidant that will keep your body running more efficiently. It can also help boost thyroid function and blood-sugar control plus protect against viruses and fight weight gain.

Chia Seeds

Remarkably, chia seeds provide 500% more calcium than milk and the same amount of omega-3s as wild salmon. You’ll also find an abundance of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It’s also an appetite suppressant.


Cocoa can boost endorphins and serotonin – two chemicals that help to make us happy. And the flavonoids can help to fight diabetes, strokes, and heart disease. Flavonols relax blood vessels and thin your blood, lowering your blood-pressure numbers naturally.


Popular in Scandanavia, they are more potent than blueberries when it comes to antioxidants. They are a natural antibiotic – and they can prevent bad cholesterol from damaging your arteries. The fruit also has an anti-inflammatory property.

Eggs – Yes Eggs!

The yolks contain the bulk of the important nutrients – including minerals like calcium plus magnesium and vitamins A, D, E, B6, B12. Plus eggs can help with vision and energy. One egg a day will not negatively impact cholesterol levels.

You Can’t Beat Beet Juice

The rich color in beets comes from the cancer-fighting antioxidant betalain, a cancer-fighting phytonutrient. Beets can also protect the liver and help improve circulation. The iron will help fight anemia.

Mustard Greens

These spicy greens are rich in vitamin K (which most Americans are deficient in) and are excellent for your blood and bone strength. Mustard greens also help to get bile acid out of the stomach and this helps with digestion plus reduces cholesterol.


What don’t they provide? You’ll get fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron and calcium. Just seven almonds will provide 22 milligrams of calcium plus almost 15 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin E. Plus with plenty of monounsaturated fat, almonds are heart-healthy.


Fiber. Vitamin C. Both will lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels plus protect your body's cells from damage. Vitamin C also helps form the connective tissue collagen, keeps your capillaries and other blood vessels healthy, and helps in the absorption of iron.


Vitamin C plus valuable fiber. Also an excellent source of vitamin A and it helps with healthy vision.

Red Beans

Small red beans and kidney beans provide an excellent source of iron, phosphorus, and potassium. They also provide low-fat protein and dietary fiber.


The key ingredient in salmon? Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s make your blood less likely to form clots. Omega-3s can help to decrease triglyceride levels, decrease the growth of artery-clogging plaques, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of stroke. Salmon is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol and it’s also a good source of protein.


Spinach is high in vitamins A and C plus. It’s also a good source of folate and magnesium. The carotenoids in spinach help to maintain vision plus provide age-reversal benefits.

Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt is thicker and creamier than “regular” yogurt. It’s also full or protein and probiotics – for digestive health.


Similar in appearance and texture to rice and couscous, quinoa provides essential amino acids the body can’t produce. It also provides significant protein.

Green Tea

An ancient remedy for a wide variety of health issues – from cancer to heart diseases. Green tea provides antioxidants – from EGCG, a phytochemical that slows irregular cell growth.


Packed with vitamin C plus powerful antioxidants. Plus they are extremely delicious. Stawberries can also boost immunity and fight damage from free radicals.


Ginger can be a flavoring and all-natural remedy for a variety of afflications including upset stomachs and inflammation.


Cranberries have been shown to fight inflammation, heart disease, and even the development of cancer cells. They can improve oral health and prevent ulcers.


Garlic can treat a wide variety of health problems – from high blood pressure to heart disease and some forms of cancer. Garlic has been shown to help with yeast infections and prostate health.