Mission Statement

As a direct response copywriter, my mission is to help clients maximize revenue by providing the highest level of direct response copywriting. I will provide services punctually, on deadline. I will be professional and responsive. I will also communicate frequently. In addition, I provide pricing advice and tactics to ramp up revenue even more.

  1. The purpose of copy is to SELL products and services, not win awards or kudos.
  2. The ONLY expert is the customer or client who will buy what you’re selling. That’s why testing is VITAL to success.
  3. Opinions about copy are just that – opinions. Testing data drives copy.
  4. Sell with integrity. Tell the truth about the product while stressing benefits … disclose the limitations. And always include a rock-solid guarantee.
  5. I’m here to help you reach your business and personal goals. I believe in the power of direct response copywriting to ramp up sales and build profitable and super-valuable businesses.