Direct Response Copywriter On Some Common Marketing Misconceptions

This may sound a touch odd but I’m actually a big fan of misconceptions, especially when they relate to my work: direct response copywriting and direct marketing.

Misconceptions lead us to the truth about marketing. And the truth helps us make sound decisions based on facts.

For example, a branding person might say, “a great brand creates sales.” That’s nice but it’s a misconception. It’s direct marketing that drives revenue. There’s no proof that branding generates revenue because it can’t be accurately measured. The wise marketers thus follow the truth and use direct marketing as their primary weapon.

Another misconception is that direct marketing will demolish the brand and must be crass. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every big company uses direct marketing in some way. Direct marketing can be obnoxious but it doesn't have to be. It's extremely rare for me to write crazy loud copy.

Here’s another misconception: salespeople are born, not made.

It’s the other way around. I know people who seem affable and “born” to sell. But they can’t make a sale because they don’t know the techniques. I know people who are shy and demure but are excellent at selling because they have learned the techniques. A direct response copywriter is a salesperson. I must know the techniques and how to apply them.

The final misconception is: people are really impressed with the “next big thing” in marketing, advertising, and sales. And when I say people, I mean your prospects. No. Some people who are active in marketing, advertising, and sales get all giddy about the latest thing.

But here’s the reality. Your prospects don’t care about the latest and great “stuff” in marketing … they only care about one thing and that’s themselves.

Once you cut out the noise from the “next big thing(s)” and focus on how you can help your prospect get where they want to get, you’re going to be highly successful, provided you have traffic, a great offer, and a direct response copywriter who can convert.