A web copywriting reminder from HGL

I haven't been reading about direct response copywriting as much as I like to...I've been writing direct response copy. Good problem to have.

But last night, I made the effort to dig into On the Art of Writing Copy by Herschell Gordon Lewis. I 'follow' three copywriters. Dan Kennedy, Andrew Wood, and HGL.

  1. Andrew Wood (The Legend) for his enthusiasm and salesmanship.

  2. Dan Kennedy for creativity and technique.

  3. HGL for technique and tight writing.

On the Art came out in 2004...sort of the adolescent years of the Internet. The chapter about web writing is excellent and includes this one gem...
"If you state who and what you are instead of stating, quickly and dynamically, a recognizable benefit that will transform the surfer into a visitor, forget it."

Later, HGL stresses the importance of a great offer, quickly communicated. And hammers branding and image websites.

I once heard an interview with HGL and he spoke at length about continuity programs, especially for plates and similar items. Maybe a lost art today...book of the month club and all...wouldn't it be great to get one of those going.

THANKS to HGL for all his books. Some of the best copywriting books...some of the best books about writing.


I'm a direct response copywriter based in Charlotte, N.C. USA. My site is here. WARNING: IT'S NOT AN IMAGE SITE...