Direct Response Copywriter on High-Converting Emails. Part 4. Headlines in Emails?

I get a lot of emails every day. I’m sure you’re in the same boat. Some are business-related, like emails from clients. Others are marketing emails trying to motivate me to buy something. Sadly, I also get a ton of spam, even from legitimate companies … or companies that pose as legitimate.

If you’re writing an email and the subject line motivated someone to open your email, that’s bit step. However, the work has just begun. Now you have to motivate the reader to keep reading. And that’s where I see a lot of direct response copywriters fail.

What’s going on?

They forget to include a headline in the email. I see tons of emails without a headline. That’s a mistake.

The headline must complement and augment the subject line. It must draw the reader into the body of the email. And then I recommend a number of subheads in the body of the email. A subhead is the same as a headline, essentially. The subheads let scanners know what's happening and what's in it for them.

Some emails are long. Some are short. But every email should include a headline plus some subheads.

Next time you're looking at emails, see which ones have a strong headline.