Direct Response Copywriter on High-Converting Emails. Part 6. Length. CTA. Curiosity.

In the final part of this series, I’d like to write about two key elements plus talk about length.

When writing an email, I like to include 4-5 call to action links. This may seem like a lot but it’s important to provide plenty of opportunities to take the next step. TELL the reader to take this next step at least twice during the email.

How long should an email be?

There’s no right or wrong answer. I’ve seen extremely short emails and I’ve seen emails that are long-form sales pages. Testing will provide you with the right length.

When the email is shorter, one key factor is curiosity. The email must not give too much away. The email must have the prospect thinking, “I just HAVE to see/discover what’s next.” I see far too many emails that provide all the information right away. Curiosity will drive up your click through rates and a good direct response copywriter will help you build that curiosity factor.

One final thought. It’s important to view your email list as a relationship builder. Email marketing that simply bleats “buy now” constantly is a great way to lose an audience. Many of the most successful marketers I know send 5-6 informational emails for every email that’s more sales-sy. That's a much better way to nurture a list.

I hope you have found these blogs about emails valuable.