Defining Who You Are. Direct Response Copywriter Email Archive January 2019 1

Remember Who You Are and What You Can Do

I'm certain this happens to you.

It happens to me almost every day.

I meet someone for the first time and they ask me what I do.

When I’m not teaching skiing, I reply ...

There are two things.

One, I’m a part-time ski instructor. Two, I’m a direct response copywriter.

It’s pretty easy for people to understand the former. But, as I’m sure you’ve discovered, it’s much harder for people to understand the latter.

Out of every 400 people, 399 will have NO CLUE what a direct response copywriter is/does. Many think I’m a lawyer, specializing in intellectual property. No.

I get the “blank stare” from people with MBAs, from successful business people, and even from people in marketing.

I’m actually still struggling to explain precisely what a ‘direct response copywriter’ does. One of these days I’ll figure it out. For a while, I referenced infomercials and used phrases like "but wait, there's more" but that's not really accurate.

Part of me wants to say, “I help people become fabulously wealthy and successful.” That’s true. I can think of two clients who have become … fabulously wealthy and successful. I’m just one part of the success but direct response copy has played a big role.

Remember the power you have. It’s not an egotistical type of power. It’s the power to motivate people to try a product or service that will help them reach their goals.

It’s a valuable skill and Dan Kennedy calls it, quite rightly, a super-power.

There’s no need to be a jerk with potential clients. But when they don’t really understand the value you provide, why work with them?

Or let’s put this in a more positive light. Find clients who truly understand your value. Get paid appropriately.

All the best,

Scott Martin