Effective Ways to Find Copywriting Clients Part 7. Clients are Everywhere. Direct Response Copywriter Email Archive October 2018 3

October 2018 3

From the desk of Scott Martin, direct response copywriter, Aspen, Colorado.

The Most Effective Ways to Find Great Clients. Part 7.

Quite a few writers and marketers have joined the list of people who receive these emails. Welcome!

So … I see all these ads at the bottom of websites I visit.

So … I get a link to an internet marketing event with 12 speakers who are ALL Internet marketers.

So … I see a list of the top “up and coming” marketers in a business magazine.

So … I know a way to find out who is marketing online and how much they’re spending.

So … I see all these ads on Facebook.

So … I hear there’s a conference that’s replete with companies that sell dietary supplements.

So ... I hear there's a conference that's choc-full of financial publishing companies.

So … I look in my local newspaper and see a ton of ads. I look in the New York Post and see a ton of ads.

So … I see that The Denver Business Journal and The Charlotte Business Journal and every other Business Journal in the country has a list of the “Top 25 Advertising Agencies” and other complementary lists.

So … I see a prominent direct marketer on Linked In. He consults with marketing companies and I see all his connections.

So … what do I see?


What are you seeing?

Right now, you’re seeing clueless Upwork clients who want the lowest possible price.

You’re seeing shoddy potential clients who come to Facebook groups looking, supposedly, for quality copy … and then you see a stampede of mendicants desperate to work for these awful clients.


I’m trying to instill a big change in how you think about finding clients.

Spend the next few hours and the next few days thinking about this. Let your subconscious start to figure this out for you. It will.

Let's go back to that list of 'Top 25' Advertising Agencies in those business journals. Guess what? They all need copy. I would BET THE FARM that no freelance copywriters EVER contact them.

All the best,

Scott Martin