Direct Response Copywriter With Some Advice for Fellow Direct Response Copywriters

An open letter to my fellow direct response copywriters about finding clients.

If you’re a direct response copywriter, pay close attention to this blog because I’m about to reveal something extremely personal.

It’s about clients.

You might be saying, “that’s not personal … that’s business stuff.”

No. It's personal.

The quality of your clients determines pretty much everything in your life. Money … time … mental health … professional satisfaction … and everything else.

If you’re a direct response copywriter, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Think about it. Bad and mediocre clients create all sorts of problems. Great clients with big budgets make life a ton easier.

OK – it’s not quite that black and white but you KNOW what I’m talking about … and you know it’s true.

Right now, I rank #1 or #2 for many key search terms like “direct response copywriter.” And this brings me tons of leads: over 500 in the past 4 years. And you might think I’d be happy with this.

But I’m not. And here’s why. It’s something I thought about the other day.

Every competent direct response copywriter should be grossing at least $200,000 a year in fees – before royalties. And that’s based on working just 30 hours a week … no more than 45 weeks a year. That’s $148 per hour if you’re counting and that's achievable.

Based on the clients I have through my website, I wasn’t coming anywhere near that.

So I made a big decision. I looked at all the different ways to find clients. I found the hardest but most powerful way to find the ultimate clients.

Bob Bly used this method and I’m sure you know all about Bob’s success. David Ogilvy used this method to get his advertising agency started … and he built a whopping advertising agency.

The method? Build a database of the clients you want and pound away at them.

Building that database is extremely hard and time-consuming. That’s the bad news.

The good news? In building my database, I created a list of OVER 2,000 potential clients. These are people who are looking for copywriters … or they will lead you to people who are looking for copywriters.

Even better news … I’m making this database available to other copywriters on a first-come first-served basis.

“Why would Scott share this list?” you might be asking. “Why would he share HIS leads with the competition?”

Good question(s).

First – and I’m not ashamed to admit this – I hope to make some money here. I’m a self-employed entrepreneur with financial goals. Second – there’s so much work out there that I’m happy to share the list.

As the late Gary Halbert once said to a group of copywriters, “there’s an ocean of work out there, and you’re a thimble.”

How many times have you heard this from a decision maker ... "we're always looking for copywriters."

OK – enough of this ethereal blog stuff … let’s get down to business.

As I official launch my database, I’m making it available to serious copywriters like you for $99 a month for 9 months.

It's normally $1,295 as a one-time payment.

And because I’m a direct response copywriter, I’m going to use the “coffee justification technique.” Maybe you've heard of this!

Every day, I spend $2.65 on a large coffee. That’s almost $80 a month. You get the picture – depending on how much you spend on coffee.

To go to the official sales page, click here.

And one more thing … you won’t find this database anywhere else.

The “usual suspects” like AWAI and Dan Kennedy and Bob Bly don’t have this. And I have bought items from AWAI and Dan Kennedy and Bob Bly and have huge respect for them all.

But you certainly won’t find it with anyone else ... none of the people who are in the "client getting" business have anything like this.

OK – that’s enough from me for now … or I will start to drift into direct response copywriter language and say things like …


But seriously – if you want to get my list … click here now.

And if you have any questions, please use the contact link below.


I'm a direct response copywriter. I write direct response copy for clients around the world. Enter your information to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here when you have a project you'd like to discuss. I'm also a Dan Kennedy certified copywriter for information products.