Direct Response Copywriter on Failure

Ouch ... that's an ugly word. FAILURE.

Everyone faces failure at some stage. It’s part of professional life. In direct marketing and direct response, failure is very much part of daily life: it’s not an occasional event.

A promotion might convert at 4%. That’s a 96% failure rate. I have written copy that’s completely and totally failed to beat a control. That’s part of this gig. But 4% conversion can be great.

If the client is smart and is serious about being successful, they let me keep pounding away until I find the copy that works. Sometimes the copy beats the control right away. Sometimes it takes several weeks. That’s part of being a direct response copywriter.

In the world of branding advertising, nobody really knows whether a campaign works or not. That’s because it’s all about image. But in direct response, we measure everything, and, many times, the numbers are not pretty.

So we go back to work. We learn from what didn’t work. Notice how I didn’t say, “mistake.” No … in direct response, failure isn’t a mistake. It’s part of the fabric of what we do. As a direct response copywriter, I relish failure. I discover what’s not working … so I can try something else. That’s part of testing.

In the last several years, I have attended several direct marketing and direct response copywriting conferences. I have spent some time with some of the biggest names in direct response. Yes – they’ve had some epic wins but they also told me about their failures. Their failures outnumber their successes.

I hear a lot about people who have been successful. Their common trait? Failure. The second common trait? Persistence.

I’ve had some bad experiences with clients who ask me to write a piece, don’t really test it, then kick me to the curb. They only gave me one chance and I failed -- even though they liked the copy. They gave up on me after one effort. That’s their decision.

Others have allowed me to fail repeatedly. These clients who want me to fail are making VAST AMOUNTS of money. They get it.

Just sayin’.


I'm a direct response copywriter. I write direct response copy for clients around the world. Enter your information to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here if you have a project you'd like me to quote. I'm also a Dan Kennedy certified copywriter for information products.

Direct Response Copywriter on a Great Winston Churchill Quote

Sir Winston Churchill was many things to many people. He was a Prime Minister, writer, painter, pig farmer, soldier, and orator. And that's just a few of the roles he accepted.

But part of me thinks he was a direct response copywriter. Take a look at this quote.

If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.

That's a variation on the old direct response copy plan:

  • Tell them what you want to tell them.
  • Tell them.
  • Tell them what you just told them.

Churchill's point is superb.

There's no need to be clever or subtle with direct response copy. Emphasize the key point (big idea, key benefit, and/or USP) with intense clarity ... that's the pile driver.

Make the point over and over. More than three times.

"A tremendous whack" is some cricket lingo, I believe. I take this to mean getting the message across using every direct response copywriting technique in the book.

Branding copywriters can try to be clever or subtle. But, as a direct response copywriter, I'm following Churchill's advice.


On a separate note, if you're in New York City, check out The Churchill on East 28th Street. Music in the bar area but Churchill speeches piped into the bathrooms. A must.


I'm a direct response copywriter. I specialize in providing direct response copy for the direct marketing environment for clients around the planet. I specialize in sales page copy ... copy that persuades readers to pull out their credit card and buy. Enter your info to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here if you have a project you'd like me to quote.

I'm also a Dan Kennedy Certified Copywriter for Info-Marketers.


Disclaimer for the above.

The Dan Kennedy Copywriter for Info-Marketers Certification is awarded to professional copywriters who have successfully completed a course of study of preparation for such copywriting. This Certification has not been provided by an accredited education institution. It does not constitute endorsement of or liability for any individual copywriter by Mr. Kennedy or any companies or organizations affiliated with Mr. Kennedy. The client's relationship is solely with the individual copywriter retained via any agreement.

Direct Response Copywriter on Great Selling ... by a Teenager

The other day, I was walking into my local supermarket. A group of high school students had a table set up. I tried to avoid the table as I knew they were likely selling something like cookies. I was in a hurry and while I often give to all sorts of causes and buy Girl Scout cookies and the like, I wasn't in the mood.

However, the girl at the table came up to me, walked with me, and asked if I had the supermarket's discount card, in this case called a VIC card.

I said yes.

She quickly asked me to link my card to her group, in this case the local high school ROTC.

"It won't cost you a thing and just show this number to the cashier when you check out," she said, handing me a piece of paper.

So, once inside, I linked my VIC card to the number on the piece of paper.

Four quick lessons here.

  1. She grabbed my attention by asking a simple question. She likely knew the answer to the question.
  2. She stated the offer clearly. The benefit was helping a noble cause.
  3. She gave me a clear call to action and TOLD me to take the action.
  4. She said it would not cost me anything.

She made the sale.

That, my brothers and sisters, is brilliant marketing and she should be a direct response copywriter.


I'm a direct response copywriter. I specialize in providing direct response copy for the direct marketing environment for clients around the planet. I specialize in sales page copy ... copy that persuades readers to pull out their credit card and buy. Enter your info to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here if you have a project you'd like me to quote.

I'm also a Dan Kennedy Certified Copywriter for Info-Marketers.


Disclaimer for the above.

The Dan Kennedy Copywriter for Info-Marketers Certification is awarded to professional copywriters who have successfully completed a course of study of preparation for such copywriting. This Certification has not been provided by an accredited education institution. It does not constitute endorsement of or liability for any individual copywriter by Mr. Kennedy or any companies or organizations affiliated with Mr. Kennedy. The client's relationship is solely with the individual copywriter retained via any agreement.

Direct Response Copywriter on Revealing All

By Scott Martin, Direct Response Copywriter

In the past, I have written about my local hardware store, Blackhawk Hardware in Park Road Shopping Center here in Charlotte. You can find a Home Depot and a Lowe's nearby but I always visit Blackhawk, even though, unfairly, some locals believe Blackhawk is more expensive.

Visit Home Depot or Lowe's and good luck finding service from someone who really understands the products. However, at Blackhawk, the store literally wedges you through an area where you must be greeted by two people who welcome you back then guide you to the correct part of the store. By the time you've arrived at said correct part of the store, there's an associate ready to assist. In my humble opinion, every company of any size should visit Blackhawk then model their service after what they discover.

Last week, because I have a semi-blocked drain in my kitchen, I went to Blackhawk looking for a drain snake. I thought I would handle the blockage myself because I generally dislike asking a plumber to come to my home...for reasons I'll crack into at a later date.

Anyway, the man at Blackhawk patiently listened to me, asked salient questions, then persuaded me NOT to buy the snake and try to solve my plumbing problem myself. Yes...the store lost a $35 sale but they buttressed my trust. The man told me how difficult it can be to solve what might seem like a simple plumbing issue. In short, the associate provided honest advice.

There's a copywriting parallel...and it's important. I call it disclosure of limitations. Readers are naturally and understandably skeptical when they read copy. So I believe it's always vital for a direct response copywriter to detail what the product or service WILL NOT do.

For example, if I'm writing about a weight loss product, I will state, "you will not lose 20 pounds in 3 days but you can lose 1-3 pounds a week." Or even when speaking with a potential client, especially one who wants to test, I will say, "I will routinely fail to beat a strong control...but when I do, it will positively impact your revenue and profit." When I write golf copy, I might say, "no, you will not become Tiger Woods tomorrow but if you take the Acme swing trainer to the range for the next 3 weeks and learn to use it, you will discover the joy of longer and straighter drives."

The "admit your limitations" copywriting technique is all too rare...especially in certain niches notorious for terrible copy. Admittedly, there's little or no data to back up my claim but I regularly see the top copywriters use this advanced technique.


I'm a direct response copywriter. I specialize in providing direct response copy for the direct marketing environment for clients around the planet. I specialize in sales page copy, landing page copy and copy that persuades readers to pull out their credit card and buy. Enter your info to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here if you have a project you'd like me to quote.

I'm also a Dan Kennedy Certified Copywriter for Info-Marketers.


Disclaimer for the above.

The Dan Kennedy Copywriter for Info-Marketers Certification is awarded to professional copywriters who have successfully completed a course of study of preparation for such copywriting.  This Certification has not been provided by an accredited education institution.  It does not constitute endorsement of or liability for any individual copywriter by Mr. Kennedy or any companies or organizations affiliated with Mr. Kennedy. The client's relationship is solely with the individual copywriter retained via any agreement.

Direct Response Copywriter on Fair Compensation

I'm not a fan of organized labor and I'm not a fan of collusion, coercion, and other dubious economic tactics. I'm a huge believer in market forces...and letting them do their thing. And supply and demand affect writing fees. And yes, there's a lot of supply.

In corresponding recently with Baytech, a digital marketing company, I provided them with a fair quote for some work. Turns out they want to pay 4 cents a word for content. For a 250 word article, that's $10 for an article.

The company is dumb for paying writers by the word. Baytech isn't exactly going to get taut, tight syntax. In my humble opinion and, I'm sure, the opinion of others in the digital marketing world, including many who believe that copy is extremely important in the big picture and understand copy and its potential impact, that's not a great rate of pay and/or remuneration.

You get the picture. I can pad with the best of them.

It's sad that a company would pay writers poorly. But I blame my fellow writers for accepting such pathetic pay. Don't you want to eat? What do you put in your car? Do you live in a tent in the desert?

On the company's website, the copy about the copywriting services reads:

Baytech has the absolute best in professional copywriters to ensure your copy harnesses and holds the attention of your viewers.

No you don't. You don't pay well enough.

The big boys of direct response pay writers a decent fee plus the potential for a hefty royalty because the big boys understand this simple fact: the direct response copywriter is the catalyst for whopping sales. Get a good one and you can earn big revenue. Pay 4 cents a word and you'll get...well...just look at the excerpt above from Baytech's site.


I'm a direct response copywriter. I specialize in providing direct response copy for the direct marketing environment for clients around the planet. I specialize in sales page copy, landing page copy and copy that persuades readers to pull out their credit card and buy. Enter your info to the right for my free series: Seven Steps to High Converting Copy. Or contact me here if you have a project you'd like me to quote.

I'm also a Dan Kennedy Certified Copywriter for Info-Marketers.


Disclaimer for the above.

The Dan Kennedy Copywriter for Info-Marketers Certification is awarded to professional copywriters who have successfully completed a course of study of preparation for such copywriting.  This Certification has not been provided by an accredited education institution.  It does not constitute endorsement of or liability for any individual copywriter by Mr. Kennedy or any companies or organizations affiliated with Mr. Kennedy. The client's relationship is solely with the individual copywriter retained via any agreement.